Jesus gives us a definition of a disciple in Matthew 4:19, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Within this definition Jesus gives us three parts of being a disciple:
1. Follow me= Jesus leads, and we follow
a. Mental acceptance of Jesus = He is in charge.
3. I will make you= Jesus changes our hearts to become more like His. b. Life transformation = we study the word and allow the word through the Holy Spirit to change our hearts, words, and actions (Eph. 3:14-18)
4. Fishers of men= Jesus saves us for a purpose.
c. We are saved for God’s purposes= Our lives are now to be lived for the purposes of making more disciples.
At Heights, we define it this way, “A disciple is one that follows Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, and is on mission with Jesus.”